Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Buckeye kids.....

I just finished talking with Laurie on the phone. She is in Columbus at her apartment, waiting for Jessie, Ammon and Noah to get there from North Carolina. I wish I was with her, too. She and Jeremy moved back to Columbus in February, and I really miss them. I am excited about Jeremy's new job with Verizon which he started this week. I know they are excited, too. Laurie loves working with the elderly as a CNA and plans on going to nursing school to get her RN degree soon.
(this picture was taken at Outer Banks, NC, on their honeymoon in October of 2005)
It was Jeremy's birthday a week ago today. I would have loved to make them a nice dinner, have some cake, and play games. They love to get silly and play Apples to Apples or other board games together.
Anyway.....just missing my Ohio kids today. Love you both!

1 comment:

dubby said...

I miss your Ohio kids, too.