Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Friends, flowers and yummies

These beautiful roses now sit upon my desk at work....and will come home tonight so I can enjoy them at home tonight and all day tomorrow (4th of July). One of the physical outpourings of love and care I have received from my friends. I feel so grateful to know so many terrific, giving, and amazing people. I was filled yesterday with great food, hugs, friendship, advice, and love. I got to have a good long talk with my "mommy". And last night, I talked to Deb out in California for a LONG time....and we laughed and laughed and laughed, and stopped to whine for just a moment or two. It's so terrific to have a friend that you can ALWAYS call....no matter what....no matter how much time has passed....and it's like you've been hanging out together every day. Deb and I have been that way for over 23 years. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for my friends. And....for the wonderful blessing it is to have my children as my friends, too. Oh...and for the warm, crackling fire my husband made in the back yard fire pit. I sat out there all alone late last night for at least 45 minutes......peaceful.

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1 comment:

dubby said...

Yup, friends are the best! Thanks for being mine.