Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"You've Got Serious Thrill Issues, Dude...."

Remember in Finding Nemo, when Crush (whom I'd love to party with) says to Nemo's dad, Marlin.......
"Oh, I saw the whole thing, dude! First, you were like, whoa! And then we were like, WHOA! And then you were like, whoa. You've got serious thrill issues dude... awesome!...."

Well, I think THIS defines serious thrill issues. Either that.....or dementia.

Click here to see the Mountain Wingsuit Madness

Wow. Cuh-Razy!

(by the way, I apologize to anyone who saw the original video I posted...it had been forwarded to us and I guess had links to sites that were not something I'd view or have on my blog. I'm glad I found that out!)

And I think driving the beltway out of Washington DC around Friday night rush hour is the about the most dangerous thing I ever do.
(wait a minute .....that really IS dangerous. Have you done that? Gives me the heebie-jeebies every time)


The Katzbox said...

Well, this makes driving in LA traffic look like a walk in the park...what I want to know is; Who were the first guys to come up with this mountain gliding suit thingy?...you know it was guys and you just know there had to be more than one...you know there had to be a couple of stoners sittin' around high, watching Animal Planet, saying, "Dude, if we had webbed arms and legs, we could fly just like those squirrels!"...and then the guy sittin' next to him was saying, "Dude! That would be so cool, so then, we wouldn't have to just jump off the mountain, we could like, take our time and totally scratch the side of the mountain with our fingertips on the way down...Dude, that is AWESOME!!!"...*high fives all around*..."Dude, you got any Twinkies left?"

Diane said...

I'm writing the movie.

The Katzbox said...

If the film was animated you could make the two dudes cartoon frogs, but you'd have to call it...wait for it...wait for it..."Croak Back Mountain"....hahhahahahahahaahhaa

Diane said...

I feel another Denny's stint coming on. Remember when we'd sneak out from our "mommy-time" and meet and write? I seem to remember very late nights and very yummy hot chocolate. I can't believe we wrote that play...and actually put it on! And Sally wrote the music to our lyrics? Wow...another life....but same old friend.
"Croak Back Mountain". I hear you laughing from across the entire country. That's great.

Queen Karana said...

Oh yeah - Friday night beltway traffic - it's just NO good.

But when is beltway traffic ever good? Really?