Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blast from the Past

I received a wonderful surprise from a great friend of mine, Danielle, the other day. She sent me a Valentine card with a note of love and some plans to get together soon, and at the end of the note she wrote: "Look what I found!"

Danielle and her hubby, Rod, are living in Beuna Vista, VA, where he is the President of Southern Virginia University. But, once upon a time, they were raising their eight children while we were raising our six, and we were both living in Dublin, Ohio, right outside of Columbus. It was a grand time. And our Drew and Michelle and their Hyrum and Mary were the best of friends. It was super, and I truly love their family, which, by the way, consists now of 32 with their kids' spouses and the grandchildren. (which makes our 19 look like a quaint, tiny little family)
Danielle and I laughed and cried together, and always had time to shop for a bargain. We solved all kinds of world and family problems sitting in her big "van-bus" or roaming an auction, and I miss her like crazy.
I am looking forward to a fun time with her soon.

ANYWAY....back to these pics. She slipped these into the Valentine card, and what smiles they brought to my face. These were taken the day Drew gave his farewell talk before leaving on a two-year mission. This would be in 1996.

Above, Michelle and Drew~~~ what a team. It was tough for both of them to say goodbye for two years. Drew is 19 and Michelle is 18 in this picture.

We loved our little boy so much~~~ and even though it was tough to send him off, we were so happy for him. (Check out Kelly's glasses - maybe we should get those out again!)

Father - Mother - Son - and lots of love

The love continues......Drew is "tolerating" this love fest very well, don't you think???
Michelle and her friend, Mary, kissing their buddy Drew. (I love his face in this)


Unknown said...

I was SO skinny then! Nice glasses, Dad! I don't think Mom and Dad have aged one bit in 12 1/2 years. Lookin' good, guys!

This brings back lots of memories. The decision to go has shaped my life for the better and I love where I am and who surrounds me. Thank you Mom and Dad.

Unknown said...

why do you have your settings such that these comment windows don't open in another window? I don't like having to navigate back to the blog. just a thought.

Michelle said...

Mom, you look hot!

The Katzbox said...

I know!!!! Your mother hasn't aged a single's very good for her but unfortunately, I can never be seen in public with her again...people will think I'm her grandmother and my ego is just not ready for that....I'll have to refer to her as "sugar pie" and other endearments...perhaps even walk with a cane for effect...just to save people the embarrassment when they learn that we're peers and not separated by two generations...nice one, Diane....I hope you're happy....

Diane said...

whatEVER deb. whatEVER.

Karen Harris said...

Diane, Larry and I enjoyed your blog. It was so fun to see the pictures of your family. It makes us miss you! What cute grandkids you have? We are having so much fun with ours. Love to hear from you. Call us. 801-771-0306.