Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Sabbath Portrait

There is a delightful young man at Church....named Michael Walton. About ten or eleven years old. He is one incredibly intelligent guy. I wonder what he will do with his life as he has many gifts. We've had fun as we have shared math riddles and jokes, etc.
Sunday I happened to be sitting next to him during sacrament meeting. I noticed he kept looking at me. Whenever I'd look over at him, though, he would look away. He was almost done with this when I figured out what he was doing.
He gave it to me after the meeting. Michael.

Hey...look how clear my skin looks....and no freckles. And a lovely smile.
Not too shabby :)
(and I appreciate the fact that he only gave me one chin)

Mona your heart out.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Looks just like you, mom.