My youngest grandson (at least at this moment), David Andrew Hebdon is in love with baseball. Any ball, really, but the absolute winner in his eyes is baseball. Ever since he's been tiny, that's been his toy of choice. He likes the trains, cars, animals, etc...... IF there isn't a baseball around.
May 15, 2010 - I shot these pictures as we watched his big sister, Alli, play her softball game. David came prepared. I love the above picture. Here he is, with a face of determination, seeming to come out of the dugout.
Kimmi and I took turns throwing to him. (well, rolling to him) Here is David in his "I'm ready" stance.
"Put me in, Coach!" (notice how he's holding the glove. Love it)
Intent on the game. David with his papa, my all-star son, Drew.
David - almost 20 months
Drew - 33 years

Steph sent me this picture the other day to my phone. I was in the middle of work at the office, and it made me smile the rest of the day.
Her caption was: "my boy and his baseball....with him wherever he goes"